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How Technology Drives Digital Growth in 2023

Mike Flache as a guest on Irene Lyakovetsky's podcast SaugaTalks

Mike Flache
The investment in digital skills, technologies and enabling accelerators will ensure that businesses are more competitive and productive

Emerging technologies are evolving rapidly, and so are the number of buzzwords associated with those technologies.

In the latest #SaugaTalks podcast, host Irene Lyakovetsky and I not only explored which technology drives digital growth in 2023. We also talked about the buzzword phenomenon and how to deal with it.

So much in advance

In business meetings, it happens that we talk about the same topic but have different ideas about it. That can lead to misunderstandings and, as a result, to completely different expectations on the part of everyone involved.

The term “digital growth” is mentioned here as an example. We can look at the latter from two different perspectives:

  1. Digital growth through digitization — organizations optimize their processes with the support of digital technology (so-called streamlining)
  2. Digital growth through digital transformation — organizations develop entirely new business models with the support of digital technology (so-called business transformation)

For some of us, these different terms may seem like a waste.

However, based on my experience in the global context, I can tell you that these small but subtle definitions make a significant difference when it comes to digital initiatives with set expectations, goals, roadmaps, and ROI-oriented outcomes.

Mike Flache as guest at Irene Lyakovetsky's podcast – how technology drives digital growth in 2023


  • 00:00 Digitization, Digitalization, and Digital Transformation
  • 04:10 Emerging Technology, AI, ChatGPT, a combination of AI and IoT, AI and Blockchain, Real-Time Computing
  • 09:40 Data to Action, Monetizing Company’s Data, 90% of Enterprise Data Goes Unused, Fear in the Leadership, Thinking of the Future of the Company
  • 17:41 Getting Excited with Technology, Taking Action, Being Responsible Leaders Meaning Giving Responsibility, Building the Team, Providing Freedom, Trusting the Team
  • 24:42 Technology Skills, People’s Business, Ethics, and Common Sense in the Digital Age

You will find the podcast recording here.

About the author
Mike Flache
Mike Flache is an advisor and mentor, former entrepreneur and angel investor. Together with talented teams, he builds digital businesses. Onalytica’s analysts named Mike one of the top 10 global thought leaders in digital transformation.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely the author’s opinion and not investment advice – it is provided for educational purposes only. By using this, you agree that the information does not constitute any investment or financial instructions. Do conduct your own research and reach out to financial advisors before making any investment decisions.
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