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Enabling Digital Growth

Leverage Tomorrow's Business Opportunities Today

Regular insights into global business trends involving digital transformation

Featured in international media
Enterprise Management 360
MilliOnAir Magazine
BBN Times

About Mike Flache

“One of the world’s most influential experts in digital transformation”

– Global Excellence Awards

Mike Flache is an advisor and mentor, former entrepreneur and angel investor. Together with talented teams, he builds digital businesses. Onalytica’s analysts named Mike one of the top 10 global thought leaders in digital transformation.

Mike Flache

Guest articles

Mike Flache writes about digital growth for an international audience. Key categories are technology and innovation, leadership, sustainability, and digital business transformation.

Guest podcasts and video interviews

What are global digital trends and developments? What influence can these have on business models? How can digital added value be increased?

As a guest on podcast and video interviews, Mike Flache and his hosts explore how organizations can continuously master the disruptive changes in our digitally connected world and promote digital growth.

Guest podcasts and video interviews

Mike Flache shares insights during a TV and media interview at the 5G bring New Value event, London

Talks and events

Every year Mike Flache is available for a select number of speaking engagements around the world. Mike shares insights into digital growth virtually or in person.

Mobile World Congress
Hannover Messe
CES Las Vegas
Huawei Connect 2018
Get in the Ring Foundation
Digital Enterprise Show, Madrid

In the international media

Mike Flache is quoted or featured in publications globally. In addition, he provides his insights and perspectives in business magazines and podcasts.

Rising Up Again

From digital growth to personal growth

Rising Up Again – master life's biggest challenges and create a fulfilling second half of life
Rising Up Again

From digital growth to personal growth

Whether CEOs, founders, or entrepreneurs – we all face small and big challenges every day. How we mentally deal with these issues determines our actions and thus, to a large extent, our future.

Rising Up Again is a book for anyone who wants to master the biggest challenges and create a fulfilling second half of life.

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